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ScreenOS is the operating system that runs on Juniper firewalls, such as the NetScreen-5000 series, SSG 500 series, and SSG 5 series.

Hidden Commands

Don't try these at home, kids. They might blow up your network, brick your firewall, or get you in trouble with your significant other.

Command Description Requirements Minimum Version
reset peer Resets the peer NSRP device (without confirmation) NSRP ScreenOS 5.x
exec nsrp sync config save to vsd-group n Saves the cluster configuration to the peer NSRP unit of VSD group n NSRP ScreenOS 5.x
exec enetdrv bdreset ... Resets the bdpool for the ethernet driver Switch must be present ScreenOS 5.x
set log display-style ... Changes the event log style to tabular or free N/A ScreenOS 5.x
get swrs ctx n pol, detail, wildcard Displays the software rule contexts Firewall must not have ASICs ScreenOS 5.x